Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para stack up en español


stack up verb

unfavorite favorite
apilar, amontonar; (figurado) cuadrar, calzar; (informal, figurado) acumular

Ejemplos de uso de
stack up verb

  • those newspapers have been stacking up in the basement since we moved here

stack noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
montón, pila
word of the day image
A stack of books

Ejemplos de uso de
stack noun

  • He had arranged the letters in stacks.
  • She took a magazine from near the top of the stack.

Sinónimos de
stack noun

Traducción inversa para stack up

apilar  - to heap up, to pile up 
amontonar  - to pile up, to heap up, to collect, to gather, to hoard 
cuadrar  (figurado)
calzar  - to wear (shoes), to provide with shoes 
acumular  (informal, figurado)
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